The Short Box: A Comic Book Talk Show
The Short Box is the best way to get your weekly dose of comic shop vibes without ever leaving the house! Join your host, Badr Milligan, every Wednesday, for news, reviews, and interviews about comic books and comic culture, and hear exclusive talks with the top comic creators in the world.
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The Short Box: A Comic Book Talk Show
Ep.282 Forceworks with Thomas Tenney
Thomas Tenney joins us for our first interview episode of the year to share some stories from his extensive comic career, including co-creating Marvel's Force Works series, drawing for AC/DC, working on Shudder's Creepshow, and lessons learned from the comicbook greats.
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- The Music Team: DeftStrokeSound, Mecca Tha Marvelous, DJ Crumbz, L.E.R.M., & Dialectable Beats